Tuesday, July 14, 2015

I have a fucking brilliant mind that no one will ever appreciate. That makes me so sad. Your loss.

(Disclaimer: This shit is mine. You don't get to steal it from me. My dream(s), my brain, my mind, my work, my writing(s), My blog. I have no problem suing because people with no life have all the time in the world. I'm just sayin'...)
Please now, move on to the good stuff:

So I had this dream last night... kind of super creepy, yet broken down it loses some of the creepy for more expected, if your mind has more depth than the average sheep.
Background info is that as I tried to pass out I was contemplating whether the universe or Gods or whateverthefuck is pissed off I am still alive and therefore doing all 'it/they' can to make me kill myself (Think Final Destination-ish) or if 'it/they' just truly want to keep all levels of happy, joy, hope and feeling good from me for some damn unexplained reason. Then I passed out...

So I am walking over a bridge, everything is in tones of gray, and bluish grays. I am walking behind someone else who also happens to be me but not me. I am two different people. This fantastically joyous happy song suddenly starts playing and the me in back says to the person/me in front (as I skip I say this), "I killed your dad to this song. It's an awesome song."    
LOL   Yeah, ya with me still? Okay... moving on....

So the front me starts to freak a little, but not too much or as would be expected in such a situation, but starts moving faster, so now we are both on a hilly knoll type area and the front me asks "where did you put the body?" And the back me suddenly wonders the same thing... and then we both see it... 


The body is in pieces in torn trash bags within a big rose bush. The head is clearly visible and such but the body is not of human flesh but rather it is more of a blackish solid gel material. No features or hair or anything but more like a mold of a human, dismembered, made of blackish solid gel.  

Ya all with me still???

It seems that I killed the darkness, or most of it. I killed that which had been stealing my joy. I dismembered that bitch like a gangster. And I did it to the happiest song I had ever heard.

Then I suddenly woke up slightly panicked. And that was it.

So, there you go. 
Feel free to analyze. 
I should make a short film of this dream. If you had the added visual and music you would SO GET IT and the creepy would totally come through as well as the "ah ha" moment. The coloring was a bit like watching "The Grudge." 

Now if I can just make sense of the "I killed your Dad to this song" part. I'm working on that theory. Actually, I had it when I originally awoke but I lost that memory so now I have to find it... The other me was the darkness we all have that is normal and necessary to live. The dead dad was the evil darkness that is not a natural part of life but a part set to destroy. 

I wish this dream was real. 

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