An Open Letter to, “The
Don’t be a dick.
Don’t become a hypocrite.
Don’t forget how lost and desperate and dark you once were.
Don’t spread bullshit to the ones who continue to search for
their tunnel end.
Don’t be THAT person.
Don’t suddenly decide that you will be a walking, talking,
typing, billboard for Pinterest type meme/ posts on survival and a positive
attitude. If you were still at all aware of what you had come out of you would
not be devaluing other peoples pleas for guidance, advice or options to
investigate. You would not have forgotten how painful it was to have people
judge your pain, or trivialize your struggle into a few words that
essentially equate to, ‘buck it up’ and ‘think positive’ and it will all be
peachy in the morning.
You should not be patronizing.
You should be honest in the reality of your survival. You should
not deny that you would not be where you are had it not been for someone or many
people who took notice or extended a hand.
You should be capable of remembering when it felt like there
was no one or, in fact, when there really was no one, and how lonely and bleak
it all felt.
You shall not forget that where you are right now is an
accumulation of help from others, hard work and dumb luck (or good timing). It
could have just as easily been someone else reaping the rewards you are now receiving
and you could still be wishing for an end to it all while planning the details
of your eminent death.
You have been blessed.
Do not be a prick and piss all over that miracle.
Respect that just because your misery has ended or lessened
or that you have FINALLY turned a corner, most others are still crawling on the
ground on bloodied knee hoping, praying, pleading for what you now have.
Some people would say that when you were at your darkest
point you were also in a place they would have called a blessing compared to
their current journey. Remember that.
Someone somewhere is always in a more dreadful situation. This
is not a reason or right to devalue another’s struggle though. This is
perspective. This is a reason to be particularly thankful for the positive
changes you have experienced.
Appreciate your new circumstances, because sometimes just
the change or newness is a miracle in itself.
Not everyone will have friends, family, mates, a social
network, or a supportive community surrounding them, helping them through the
Moreover, hope that the universe does not decide that you
must be humbled and kicks you back to the place you escaped. Lead by example
and do not piss on your good fortune.
Oh yes, and finally yet importantly, your survival does not
make you superior in any way whatsoever. You are not suddenly smarter or worthy
of looking down on anyone.
Be humble.
Be kind.
Be aware.
Be thoughtful in your words and actions.
And try not to be an asshole.
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